2019 Start of Phase IV of the Supporters project with the recording of the new album "Alles in Allem", released in 2020, 40 years after the establishment of the band.
21-Mar-19 DE Berlin,announcing Phase IV of the supporters project
Ad: e-Advert.
Note: The Supporters project, hosted by Patreon, funds the recording of the new album ("Alles in Allem") and allows members to follow the band working in their studio through regular webcasts. Phase I started in August 2002 (recording the "Perpetuum Mobile" album), Phase II in February 2004 (recording the "Grundstück" album) and Phase III in February 2006 (recording the "Alles wieder offen" album).
06-May-19 DE Berlin-Wedding,andereBaustelle Tonstudio (@ Schwedenstrasse 14). Start of new album ("Alles in Allem") recording sessions.
09-May-19 DE Berlin-Wedding,andereBaustelle Tonstudio. New album ("Alles in Allem") recording sessions. Webcast 1 (12:00 to 13:00) and Webcast 2 (17:00 to 18:00).
Photo: Screen capture from first webcast.
Note: Supporters project Phase IV. Working on "Möbliertes Lied" and "Vigilia" (1st supporters single).
15-May-19 DE Berlin-Wedding,andereBaustelle Tonstudio. New album ("Alles in Allem") recording sessions.
Photo: Screen capture from video. Session not webcast.
Note: Supporters project Phase IV. Working on "Jet Lag Hero" (1st supporters single), "Ibironke/Prepare for Resistance" (working title).
03-Jun-19 DE Berlin-Wedding,andereBaustelle Tonstudio. New album ("Alles in Allem") recording sessions. Webcast 3 (12:00 to 13:00) and Webcast 4 (16:00 to 17:00).
Photo: Screen capture from fourth webcast.
Note: Supporters project Phase IV. Working on "Am Landwehrkanal" on "Ibironke/Prepare for Resistance" (working titles). Guest on Webcast 4: Shenggy Shen [White, Elephant House]. Other guest (on guitar) Ralph Peter Steitz Lanrue [Ton Steine Scherben] working on "Am Landwehrkanal".
04-Jul-19 DE Berlin-Wedding,andereBaustelle Tonstudio. New album ("Alles in Allem") recording sessions. Webcast 5 (15:00 to 16:00)
Photo: Screen capture from fifth webcast.
Note: Supporters project Phase IV. Working on "Welcome To Berlin".
10-Jul-19 DE Berlin-Wedding,andereBaustelle Tonstudio. New album ("Alles in Allem") recording sessions. Webcast 6 (14:00 to 15:00)
Photo: Screen capture from sixth webcast.
Note: Supporters project Phase IV. Working on "Grazer Damm", "Zivilisatorisches Missgeschick" and "La Guillotine de Magritte" (2nd supporters single).
29-Aug-19 DE Berlin-Wedding,andereBaustelle Tonstudio. New album ("Alles in Allem") recording sessions. Webcast 7 (12:00 to 13:00)
Photo: Screen capture from seventh webcast.
Note: Supporters project Phase IV. Working on "Welcome To Berlin".
29-Aug-19 DE Berlin-Wedding,andereBaustelle Tonstudio. New album ("Alles in Allem") recording sessions. Webcast 8 (16:00 to 17:00)
Photo: Screen capture from eight webcast.
Note: Supporters project Phase IV. Working on "Kreta's Ueberfahrt", an instrumental piece and "Alles in Allem" (3rd supporters single).
02-Sep-19 DE Berlin-Brandenburg,visit to the junkyard
02-Sep-19 DE Berlin-Wedding,andereBaustelle Tonstudio. New album ("Alles in Allem") recording sessions.
Photo: Screen capture from video.
Note: Supporters project Phase IV. Picking up stuff from the junkyard and using it on the recording of "Alles in Allem" and "Rollkoffer" (both on the 3rd supporters single).
10-Sep-19 DE Berlin-Wedding,andereBaustelle Tonstudio. New album ("Alles in Allem") recording sessions. Webcast 9 (12:00 to 13:00)
Photo: Screen capture from ninth webcast.
Note: Supporters project Phase IV. Working on "Welcome To Berlin".
10-Sep-19 DE Berlin-Wedding,andereBaustelle Tonstudio. New album ("Alles in Allem") recording sessions. Webcast 10 (16:30 to 17:30)
Photo: Screen capture from tenth webcast.
Note: Supporters project Phase IV. Working on "Where Am I Now?" (working title) and "Wedding Dress" (4th supporters single).
03-Oct-19 DE Berlin-Wedding,andereBaustelle Tonstudio. New album ("Alles in Allem") recording sessions. Webcast 11 (18:00 to 19:00)
Photo: Screen capture from eleventh webcast.
Note: Supporters project Phase IV. Working on "Ten Grand Goldie".
21-Oct-19 DE Berlin-Wedding,andereBaustelle Tonstudio. New album ("Alles in Allem") recording sessions. Blixa call fans
Photo: Screen capture from video.
Note: Supporters project Phase IV. Blixa called 20 people in Europe that morning to get their words and sentences for "Ten Grand Goldie", a song in progress. Another group was called in the US later that day.
29-Oct-19 DE Berlin-Wedding,andereBaustelle Tonstudio. New album ("Alles in Allem") recording sessions. Webcast 12 (12:00 to 13:00)
Photo: Screen capture from twelfth webcast.
Note: Supporters project Phase IV. Working on "Tempelhof".
29-Oct-19 DE Berlin-Wedding,andereBaustelle Tonstudio. New album ("Alles in Allem") recording sessions. Webcast 13 (15:30 to 16:10)
Photo: Screen capture from thirteenth webcast.
Note: Supporters project Phase IV.
20-Nov-19 DE Berlin-Wedding,andereBaustelle Tonstudio. New album ("Alles in Allem") recording sessions. Webcast 14 (16:00 to 17:00)
Photo: Screen capture from forteenth webcast.
Note: Supporters project Phase IV. Working on "Migrantenkoffer" and "Zuckerstimme" (4th supporters single).
04-Dec-19 DE Berlin-Wedding,andereBaustelle Tonstudio. New album ("Alles in Allem") recording sessions. Webcast 15 (12:00 to 13:00)
Photo: Screen capture from fifteenth webcast.
Note: Supporters project Phase IV. Working on "Taschen"/"Migrantenkoffer".
04-Dec-19 DE Berlin-Wedding,andereBaustelle Tonstudio. New album ("Alles in Allem") recording sessions. Webcast 16 (16:00 to 17:00)
Photo: Screen capture from sixteenth webcast.
Note: Supporters project Phase IV. Working on "Dave" piece #11 (aka "Wedding").
09-Dec-19 DE Berlin-Wedding,andereBaustelle Tonstudio. New album ("Alles in Allem") recording sessions.
Photo: Screen capture.
Note: Supporters project Phase IV. Working on "Dave" piece #12 (aka "Count Into Existence").
17-Dec-19 DE Berlin-Wedding,andereBaustelle Tonstudio. New album ("Alles in Allem") recording sessions.
Photo: Screen capture.
Note: Supporters project Phase IV. Recording with string quartet for "Seven Screws", "Taschen" and "Grazer Damm".
2020 The year in which the band celebrate their 40th anniversary and finalize and release a new album. Planned European tour postponed to 2021/2022. Planned North American tour cancelled.
09-Jan-20 DE Berlin-Wedding,andereBaustelle Tonstudio. New album ("Alles in Allem") recording sessions. Webcast 17 (12:00 to 13:00)
Photo: Screen capture from seventeenth webcast.
Note: Supporters project Phase IV. Blixa and Boris only, working on "Seven Screws".
22-Jan-20 DE Berlin-Wedding,andereBaustelle Tonstudio. New album ("Alles in Allem") recording sessions. Webcast 18 (12:00 to 13:00)
Photo: Screen capture from eighteenth webcast.
Note: Supporters project Phase IV. Boris only, mixing/editing "Wedding".
06-Feb-20 DE Berlin-Wedding,andereBaustelle Tonstudio. New album ("Alles in Allem") recording sessions. Webcast 19 (12:00 to 13:00)
Photo: Screen capture from nighteenth webcast.
Note: Supporters project Phase IV. Blixa, Andrew and Boris only, working on "Tempelhof" (aka "Pantheon").
06-Feb-20 DE Berlin-Wedding,andereBaustelle Tonstudio. New album ("Alles in Allem") recording sessions. Webcast 20 (14:00 to 15:00)
Photo: Screen capture from twentieth webcast.
Note: Supporters project Phase IV. Blixa and Boris only, working on "Tempelhof"(aka "Pantheon"). Final work-in-progress session. Day 92 in the studio.
14/2x-Feb-20 DE Düsseldorf,Monoposte Studio. Mastering "Alles in Allem" album. Engineered by Michael Schwabe, Boris Wilsdorf and Blixa Bargeld.
20-Feb-20 DE Bavaria,mountain hotel. Webcast 21 (15:00 to 16:00)
Photo: Screen capture from webcast.
Note: Supporters project Phase IV. Q&A with Blixa Bargeld.
03-Apr-20 DE Release of "Ten Grand Goldie" single (DL only) and promo video.
18-Apr-20 DE Berlin,Hansa Studios-Meistersaal Exclusive album listening party for supporters only
Note: Due to the Covid-19 pandemic converted to 3 online Zoom gatherings.
19-Apr-20 DE Berlin-Potsdam,Waschhaus "Chaotic General Rehearsal" (evening)
Program: Morning: Blixa will play tour guide on a tour bus exclusively for supporters for a Berlin city tour, visiting places that are significant to the band and to the new album; Night: there will be an aftershow party near Waschhaus after the concert; all supporters are welcome to join for free.
Note: Pre-tour album launch/supporter events are all cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
20-Apr-20 DE Berlin,Konzerthaus Berlin @ Gendarmenmarkt (evening)
Note: Pre-tour album launch/supporter events. Rescheduled to 04-Nov-21, due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
21-Apr-20 DE Berlin,band's respectives home/studio Webcast (16:30 to 17:30)
Photo: Screen capture from Zoom video conference.
Note: Supporters project Phase IV. Third of 3 "Alles in Allem" album listening sessions for supporters via Zoom. First session on 18-Apr-20.
01-May-20 DE Release of "Alles in Allem" single (DL only) and promo video.
15-May-20 DE Release of "Alles in Allem" album (Potomak).
15-May-20 DE Berlin,band's respectives home/studio Webcast (17:00-18:00)
Note: Supporters project Phase IV. "Alles in Allem" album release day- happy hour session with supporters.
25-May-20 DE Berlin,Blixa's home Webcast (16:00 to 17:00)
Photo: Screen capture from webcast.
Note: Supporters project Phase IV. Q&A with Blixa Bargeld.
22-May-20/06-Oct-20 EU European tour 2020
Announcement: e-Message from neubauten.org
Note: 'The Year Of The Rat'-Tour. Postponed to 2021/2022, due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
14-Oct-20 US CA,Los Angeles-Hollywood,The Fonda Theatre
15-Oct-20 US CA,Los Angeles-Hollywood,The Fonda Theatre
16-Oct-20 US CA,San Francisco,The Fillmore
18-Oct-20 US OR,Portland,Crystal Ballroom
19-Oct-20 US WA,Seattle,Neptune Theatre
23-Oct-20 US IL,Chicago,Vic Theatre
24-Oct-20 US MI,Detroit,St. Andrew's Hall
25-Oct-20 CA ON,Toronto,The Danforth Music Hall
27-Oct-20 CA QB,Montréal,Rialto Theatre
28-Oct-20 US MA,Boston,Wilbur Theatre
30-Oct-20 US NY,Brooklyn,Brooklyn Steel
31-Oct-20 US PA,Philadelphia,Union Transfer
Announcement: e-Message from neubauten.org
Note: 'The Year Of The Rat'-Tour. 10th tour of North America. Cancelled (i.e. will not be rescheduled) due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
04-Dec-20 DE Release of "La Guillotine de Magritte" single (DL only) and promo video.
2021 Rescheduled 2020 European tour postponed (again and understandably) to 2022.
10-May-21/13-Jun-21 EU European tour 2021
Note: 'The Year Of The Ox'-Tour. Postponed (again) to 2022, due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
2022 Rescheduled 2020 European tour.
Line-up #3B (DE, Berlin: Oct-2014 - now):
Blixa Bargeld (vocals)/ N.U. Unruh (percussion)/ Alex Hacke (bass)/ Jochen Arbeit (guitar)/ Rudi Moser (drums & percussion) & Felix Gebhard (keyboards @ concerts)
25-Apr-22/12-May-22 DE Berlin-Wedding,andereBaustelle Tonstudio (@ Schwedenstrasse 14). Rehearsing for the upcoming European tour.
Photo: Sourced from andereBaustelle Tonstudio.
13-May-22 DK København,DR Koncerthuset [with Alva Noto]
Setlist: Möbliertes Lied/ Ten Grand Goldie/ Seven Screws/ La Guillotine de Magritte/ Die Befindliches de Landes/ Sonnenbarke/ Grazer Damm/ Alles in Allem/ Zivilisatorisches Missgeschick/ How Did I Die?/ Tempelhof/ Am Landwehrkanal/ Sabrina/ Taschen/ Wedding/ Susej.
Flyer: e-Flyer.
Photo: Photo credit Chinaaski Cure.
Note 1: 'The Year Of The Tiger'-Tour. Part I. Rescheduled from 2020/2021, due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Note 2: According to a long standing Neubauten tradition, at the end of each night, a USB stick with an audio recording of the complete live show is sold. Despite being recorded in mp3 format (@320 kpbs, 44.1 kHz) the quality is excellent, and the recording is complete. Further copies are sold via neubauten.org.
14-May-22 DK København,DR Koncerthuset [with Gudrun Gut]
Setlist: Wedding/ Möbliertes Lied/ Nagorny Karabach/ Befindliches de Landes/ Sonnenbarke/ Seven Screws/ Grazer Damm/ Alles in Allem/ Zivilisatorisches Missgeschick/ How Did I Die?/ Am Landwehrkanal/ Ten Grand Goldie/ Susej/ Taschen/ Tempelhof/ Redukt.
Flyer: e-Flyer.
15-May-22 DK København,DR Koncerthuset [with Michael Rother]
Setlist: Möbliertes Lied/ Wedding/ Nagorny Karabach/ Die Befindlichkeit des Landes/ Sonnenbarke/ Seven Screws/ Grazer Damm/ Alles in Allem/ Zivilisatorisches Missgeschick/ How Did I Die?/ Am Landwehrkanal/ Ten Grand Goldie/ Susej/ Taschen/ La Guillotine De Magritte/ Tempelhof/ Let's Do It A Dada!
Photo: Credit Siri Bjoner.
Flyer: e-Flyer.
18-May-22 PT Porto,Casa da Música-Sala Suggia
Setlist: Wedding/ Möbliertes Lied/ Nagorny Karabach/ Die Befindlichkeit des Landes/ Sonnenbarke/ Seven Screws/ Grazer Damm/ Alles in Allem/ Zivilisatorisches Missgeschick/ How Did I Die?/ Am Landwehrkanal/ Ten Grand Goldie/ Susej/ Taschen/ Tempelhof/ Rampe/ Redukt.
Ad: e-Advert.
19-May-22 PT Lisboa,Aula Magna Universidade de Lisboa
Setlist: Wedding/ Möbliertes Lied/ Nagorny Karabach/ Die Befindlichkeit des Landes/ Sonnenbarke/ Seven Screws/ Grazer Damm/ Alles in Allem/ Zivilisatorisches Missgeschick/ How Did I Die?/ Am Landwehrkanal/ Ten Grand Goldie/ Susej/ Taschen/ Tempelhof/ Rampe/ Redukt.
Photo: Credit Pedro Almeida, from Loud Magazine.
20-May-22 PT Guarda,Teatro Municipal
Setlist: Wedding/ Möbliertes Lied/ Nagorny Karabach/ Die Befindlichkeit des Landes/ Sonnenbarke/ Seven Screws/ Grazer Damm/ Alles in Allem/ Zivilisatorisches Missgeschick/ How Did I Die?/ Sabrina/ Ten Grand Goldie/ Susej/ Taschen/ Tempelhof/ Rampe/ Let's Do It A Dada!
Ad: e-Advert.
25-May-22 IT Torino,Teatro Colosseo
Setlist: Wedding/ Möbliertes Lied/ Nagorny Karabach/ Die Befindlichkeit des Landes/ Sonnenbarke/ Seven Screws/ Grazer Damm/ Alles in Allem/ Zivilisatorisches Missgeschick/ How Did I Die?/ Sabrina/ Ten Grand Goldie/ Susej/ Taschen/ Tempelhof/ Rampe (So Many Me)/ Redukt.
Flyer: e-Flyer.
Video: Private video.
Note: Webcast for Phase IV Neubauten Supporters, @ supporter.neubauten.org.
26-May-22 IT Milano,Alcatraz Club
Setlist: Wedding/ Möbliertes Lied/ Nagorny Karabach/ Die Befindlichkeit des Landes/ Sonnenbarke/ Seven Screws/ Grazer Damm/ Alles in Allem/ Zivilisatorisches Missgeschick/ How Did I Die?/ Am Landwehrkanal/ Ten Grand Goldie/ Susej/ Taschen/ La Guillotine de Magritte/ Tempelhof/ Rampe/ Let's do It a Dada.
Photo: Credit © Rodolfo Sassano. Used with kind permission.
Note: Webcast for Phase IV Neubauten Supporters.
27-May-22 IT Bologna,Teatro Auditorium Manzoni
Setlist: Wedding/ Möbliertes Lied/ Nagorny Karabach/ Die Befindlichkeit des Landes/ Sonnenbarke/ Seven Screws/ Grazer Damm/ Alles in Allem/ Zivilisatorisches Missgeschick/ How Did I Die?/ Am Landwehrkanal/ Ten Grand Goldie/ Susej/ Taschen/ Sabrina/ Redukt/ Rampe/ Tempelhof.
Photo: Screen capture from private video by Gabriele Arpaia.
29-May-22 IT Roma,Auditorium Parco Della Musica
Setlist: Wedding/ Möbliertes Lied/ Nagorny Karabach/ Die Befindlichkeit des Landes/ Sonnenbarke/ Seven Screws/ Grazer Damm/ Alles in Allem/ Zivilisatorisches Missgeschick/ How Did I Die?/ Am Landwehrkanal/ Ten Grand Goldie/ Susej/ Taschen/ Sabrina/ Redukt/ Rampe/ Tempelhof.
Photo: Credit auditorium.com.
31-May-22 CZ Praha,Forum Karlín
Photo: Credit Romana Kovacsova.
01-Jun-22 DE Berlin,Columbiahalle
Setlist: Wedding/ Möbliertes Lied/ Nagorny Karabach/ Die Befindlichkeit des Landes/ Sonnenbarke/ Seven Screws/ Grazer Damm/ Alles in Allem/ Zivilisatorisches Missgeschick/ How Did I Die?/ Am Landwehrkanal/ Ten Grand Goldie/ Susej/ Taschen/ Sabrina/ Redukt/ Rampe/ Tempelhof.
Photo: Screen capture from private video.
02-Jun-22 DE München,Muffatwerk
Photo: Credit © André Habermann. Used with kind permission. Link to München set.
04-Jun-22 ES Barcelona,Parc del Fòrum-Pull&Bear stage Primavera Sound festival [with Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds]
Setlist: Wedding/ Möbliertes Lied/ Nagorny Karabach/ Die Befindlichkeit des Landes/ Sonnenbarke/ Seven Screws/ Zivilisatorisches Missgeschick/ How Did I Die?/ Alles in Allem/ Ten Grand Goldie/ Susej/ Taschen/ Sabrina/ Tempelhof.
Flyer: e-Flyer.
Note: Neubauten played from 7PM - 8:30PM, Nick Cave from 10PM till midnight. Blixa did not join the Bad Seeds.
06-Jun-22 DE Berlin,Konzerthaus Berlin,Großer Saal
Setlist: Wedding/ Möbliertes Lied/ Nagorny Karabach/ Die Befindlichkeit des Landes/ Sonnenbarke/ Seven Screws/ Grazer Damm/ Alles in Allem/ Zivilisatorisches Missgeschick/ How Did I Die?/ Am Landwehrkanal/ Ten Grand Goldie/ Susej/ Taschen/ La Guillotine de Magritte/ Tempelhof/ Rampe/ Let's Do It A Dada/ Redukt.
Setlist: Photo of printed setlist.
Note: Blixa's daughter Anna-Millicent joins on trombone for "Ten Grand Goldie".
10-Jun-22 DE Wiesbaden,Schlachthof
Flyer: e-Flyer.
11-Jun-22 CH Zürich,Rote Fabrik-Aktionshalle
Ticket: Photo of ticket.
12-Jun-22 CH Lausanne,Les Docks
Setlist: Wedding/ Möbliertes Lied/ Nagorny Karabach/ Die Befindlichkeit des Landes/ Sonnenbarke/ Seven Screws/ Grazer Damm/ Alles in Allem/ Zivilisatorisches Missgeschick/ How Did I Die?/ Sabrina/ Ten Grand Goldie/ Susej/ Taschen/ La Guillotine de Magritte/ Tempelhof/ Rampe/ Let's Do It A Dada.
Photo: Credit © Alex Pradervand.
14-Jun-22 AT Wien,Arena Open-Air-Gelände
Setlist: Wedding/ Möbliertes Lied/ Nagorny Karabach/ Die Befindlichkeit des Landes/ Sonnenbarke/ Seven Screws/ Grazer Damm/ Alles in Allem/ Zivilisatorisches Missgeschick/ How Did I Die?/ Am Landwehrkanal/ Ten Grand Goldie/ Susej/ Taschen/ Sabrina/ Redukt/ Rampe/ Tempelhof.
Photo: Credit © Armin Thaler.
Note: Webcast for Phase IV Neubauten Supporters.
16-Jun-22 LU Luxembourg,Den Atelier
Setlist: Wedding/ Möbliertes Lied/ Nagorny Karabach/ Die Befindlichkeit des Landes/ Sonnenbarke/ Seven Screws/ Grazer Damm/ Alles in Allem/ Zivilisatorisches Missgeschick/ How Did I Die?/ Sabrina/ Ten Grand Goldie/ Susej/ Taschen/ La Guillotine de Magritte/ Tempelhof/ Rampe/ Let's Do It A Dada.
Photo 1: Credit © popclub-saar.de.
Photo 2: Photo of setlist.
Flyer: e-Flyer.
17-Jun-22 DE Köln,E-Werk
Setlist: Wedding/ Möbliertes Lied/ Nagorny Karabach/ Die Befindlichkeit des Landes/ Sonnenbarke/ Seven Screws/ Grazer Damm/ Alles in Allem/ Zivilisatorisches Missgeschick/ How Did I Die?/ Am Landwehrkanal/ Ten Grand Goldie/ Susej/ Taschen/ La Guillotine de Magritte/ Tempelhof/ Rampe/ Z.N.S. (tease)/ Let's Do It A Dada.
Photo: Credit © Claudia Helmert.
18-Jun-22 BE Brussel,Ancienne Belgique-Grote Zaal
Setlist: Wedding/ Möbliertes Lied/ Nagorny Karabach/ Die Befindlichkeit des Landes/ Sonnenbarke/ Seven Screws/ Zerstörte Zelle (tease)/ Grazer Damm/ Alles in Allem/ Zivilisatorisches Missgeschick/ How Did I Die?/ Am Landwehrkanal/ Ten Grand Goldie/ Susej/ Taschen/ La Guillotine de Magritte/ Tempelhof/ Rampe (Death Is Hiding)/ Let's Do It A Dada.
Photo 1: Credit C.Ziggenpuss.
Photo 2: Photo of setlist.
Note: Webcast for Phase IV Neubauten Supporters.
20-Jun-22 BE Brussel,Ancienne Belgique-Grote Zaal
Setlist: Wedding/ Möbliertes Lied/ Nagorny Karabach/ Die Befindlichkeit des Landes/ Sonnenbarke/ Seven Screws/ Grazer Damm/ Alles in Allem/ Zivilisatorisches Missgeschick/ How Did I Die?/ Sabrina/ Ten Grand Goldie/ Susej/ Taschen/ Redukt/ Rampe (I Fell Into The Pit Of Language)/ Tempelhof.
Photo : Credit C.Ziggenpuss.
21-Jun-22 DE Ludwigsburg,MHP-Arena Schlossfestspiele [with Die Nerven]
Setlist: Wedding/ Möbliertes Lied/ Nagorny Karabach/ Die Befindlichkeit des Landes/ Sonnenbarke/ Seven Screws/ Grazer Damm/ Alles in Allem/ Zivilisatorisches Missgeschick/ How Did I Die?/ Am Landwehrkanal/ Ten Grand Goldie/ Susej/ Taschen/ La Guillotine de Magritte/ Tempelhof/ Rampe/ Let's Do It A Dada.
Photo: Credit Andreas Kull.
Note: About 1000 in attendance.
23-Jun-22 UK London-Kentish Town,O2 Forum
Setlist: Wedding/ Möbliertes Lied/ Nagorny Karabach/ Die Befindlichkeit des Landes/ Sonnenbarke/ Seven Screws/ Grazer Damm/ Alles in Allem/ Zivilisatorisches Missgeschick/ How Did I Die?/ Sabrina/ Ten Grand Goldie/ Susej/ Taschen/ La Guillotine de Magritte/ Tempelhof/ Rampe/ Redukt.
Photo: Credit Tomek Papierzanski.
24-Jun-22 NL Utrecht,Tivoli-Grote Zaal
01-Jul-22 DE Hamburg,Elbphilharmonie
03-Jul-22 IE Dublin,National Concert Hall
Note: Last 3 shows postponed. Instagram message by Blixa Bargeld: "[...] Then the day after the London show Alex [Hacke] tested positive, he developed symptoms, he's still positive, but he's improving. We had to cancel the Utrecht show. Unfortunately, since then several crew members and our sound engineer Boris [Wilsdorf] have started showing symptoms. The tests are positive. Continuing the tour in the face of such an infection dynamic would simply be irresponsible. We are looking for alternate dates in the fall or winter.".
13-Sep-22 PL Warszawa,Klub Stodola
Setlist: Wedding/ Möbliertes Lied/ Nagorny Karabach/ Die Befindlichkeit des Landes/ Sonnenbarke/ Seven Screws/ Grazer Damm/ Alles in Allem/ Zivilisatorisches Missgeschick/ How Did I Die?/ Sabrina/ Ten Grand Goldie/ Susej/ Taschen/ La Guillotine de Magritte/ Tempelhof/ Rampe/ Redukt.
Photo: Screen capture from private video.
Note: 'The Year Of The Tiger'-Tour. Part II. Rescheduled from 2020/2021, due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
16-Sep-22 NO Oslo,Sentrum Scene Ultima festival [with Gudrun Gut]
Setlist: Wedding/ Möbliertes Lied/ Nagorny Karabach/ Die Befindlichkeit des Landes/ Sonnenbarke/ Seven Screws/ Grazer Damm/ Alles in Allem/ Zivilisatorisches Missgeschick/ How Did I Die?/ Sabrina/ Ten Grand Goldie/ Susej/ Taschen/ La Guillotine de Magritte/ Tempelhof/ Rampe/ Redukt.
Photo: Credit Jan-Olav Glette.
19-Sep-22 SE Göteborg,Liseberg-Stora Scenen
Setlist: Wedding/ Möbliertes Lied/ Nagorny Karabach/ Die Befindlichkeit des Landes/ Sonnenbarke/ Seven Screws/ Grazer Damm/ Alles in Allem/ Zivilisatorisches Missgeschick/ How Did I Die?/ Sabrina/ Ten Grand Goldie/ Susej/ Taschen/ La Guillotine de Magritte/ Tempelhof/ Rampe/ Redukt.
Photo: Credit Petra Rönnholm.
30-Sep-22 FI Helsinki,Kulttuuritalo
Setlist: Wedding/ Möbliertes Lied/ Nagorny Karabach/ Die Befindlichkeit des Landes/ Sonnenbarke/ Seven Screws/ Grazer Damm/ Alles in Allem/ Zivilisatorisches Missgeschick/ How Did I Die?/ Sabrina/ Ten Grand Goldie/ Susej/ Taschen/ La Guillotine de Magritte/ Tempelhof/ Rampe/ Redukt.
Photo: Screen capture from private video.
08-Oct-22 FR Paris,Le Trianon [with Harry Howard]
Setlist: Wedding/ Möbliertes Lied/ Nagorny Karabach/ Die Befindlichkeit des Landes/ Sonnenbarke/ Seven Screws/ Grazer Damm/ Alles in Allem/ Zivilisatorisches Missgeschick/ How Did I Die?/ Sabrina/ Ten Grand Goldie/ Susej/ Taschen/ La Guillotine de Magritte/ Tempelhof/ Rampe/ Redukt.
Photo: Credit © Robert Gil.
Note: Andrew is ill (backpain) and replaced by the band's tech guy, Thomas Richter.
09-Oct-22 FR La Rochelle,La Sirene-Grande Salle
Setlist: Wedding/ Möbliertes Lied/ Nagorny Karabach/ Die Befindlichkeit des Landes/ Sonnenbarke/ Seven Screws/ Grazer Damm/ Alles in Allem/ Zivilisatorisches Missgeschick/ How Did I Die?/ Sabrina/ Ten Grand Goldie/ Susej/ Taschen/ La Guillotine de Magritte/ Tempelhof/ Rampe/ Redukt.
Flyer: e-Flyer.
Note: Andrew is ill (backpain) and replaced by the band's tech guy, Thomas Richter.
11-Oct-22 FR Lille,L'Aeronef
Setlist: Wedding/ Möbliertes Lied/ Nagorny Karabach/ Die Befindlichkeit des Landes/ Sonnenbarke/ Seven Screws/ Grazer Damm/ Alles in Allem/ Zivilisatorisches Missgeschick/ How Did I Die?/ Sabrina/ Ten Grand Goldie/ Susej/ Taschen/ La Guillotine de Magritte/ Tempelhof/ Rampe/ Redukt.
Photo: Credit © Maxime Lenglet.
Setlist: Scan of printed setlist.
Note: Andrew is ill (backpain) and replaced by the band's tech guy, Thomas Richter.
14-Nov-22 IE Dublin,National Concert Hall (Cancelled)
Post: Announcing cancellation.
Flyer: e-Flyer.
28-Nov-22 NL Utrecht,Tivoli-Grote Zaal
Setlist: Wedding/ Möbliertes Lied/ Nagorny Karabach/ Die Befindlichkeit des Landes/ Sonnenbarke/ Seven Screws/ Grazer Damm/ Alles in Allem/ Zivilisatorisches Missgeschick/ How Did I Die?/ Sabrina/ Ten Grand Goldie/ Susej/ Taschen/ La Guillotine de Magritte/ Tempelhof/ Rampe/ Redukt.
Photo: Screen capture from private video.
Note: Andrew is ill (backpain) and replaced by the band's tech guy, Thomas Richter. Final date of 'The Year Of The Tiger'-Tour. Part II. Rescheduled from 2020/2021, due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
2023 Start of Phase V of the Supporters project (now labeled "Rampen Phase") with the recording of a new album ("Rampen -apm: alien pop music"), finished by the late October and release scheduled for April 5 2024.
27-Jan-23 DE Berlin,announcing the Rampen Phase (the 5th phase) of the supporters project.
Post: First Patreon post about the new supporter phase.
Note: The Supporters project, hosted by Patreon, funds the recording of a new album and allows members to follow the band working in their studio through regular webcasts. Phase I started in August 2002 (recording the "Perpetuum Mobile" album), Phase II in February 2004 (recording the "Grundstück" album), Phase III in February 2006 (recording the "Alles wieder offen" album) and Phase IV in May 2019 (recording the "Alles in Allem" album). This phase will run until November 2023. Album release sheduled for April 2024.
13-Feb-23 IT hospital/ DE Berlin,home
Post: Patreon post.
Note: Blixa Bargeld slipped on a patch of ice on the pavement and is in hospital/home recovering from a fractured leg surgery. Thus delaying the start of the new album recording sessions.
27-Feb/06-Mar-23 DE Berlin,band members home studios
Photo: Screen capture from videos.
Note: From their home studios, Alex, Rudi, Jochen and Andrew run through some of the "Rampe" improvisational pieces recorded at the 2022 European tour, which will serve as basis for the new album.
20-Mar-23 DE Berlin-Tempelhof,Candy Bomber Tonstudio. Start of the new album ("Rampen -apm: alien pop music") recording sessions. Engineered by Ingo Krauss.
Photo: Credit Neubauten.org.
Note 1: Supporters project Phase V (aka Rampen).
Note 2: Candy Bomber was opened by Paul Lemp and Ingo Krauss at Berlin's (former American airport) Tempelhof, Columbiadamm 10, Bauteil 4-Aufgang A. At Candy Bomber, Ingo Krauss worked on (parts of) the following albums: Swans' "Leaving Meaning" album (2019); Nick Cave's "Ghosteen" (2019); Mick Harvey's "Delirium Tremens" (2016); Swans' "The Glowing Man" (2016); Iggy And The Stooges' "Ready To Die" (2013) and tons more. With Neubauten he worked on their "Tabula rasa" album (1993); "Silence Is Sexy" album (2000) and "Unglaublicher Laerm" album (2005). With Automat (Jochen Arbeit) on "Ost-West" album (2016), "Plusminus" album (2015) and "Automat" album (2014).
22-Mar-23 DE Berlin-Tempelhof,Candy Bomber Tonstudio. New album ("Rampen -apm: alien pop music") recording sessions. Engineered by Ingo Krauss. Webcast #01 (12:00 to 13:11)
Photo: Screen captures from first webcast.
Note: Supporters project Phase V (aka Rampen). Working on "Before I Go", a piece based on the Rampe from the Berlin-Konzerthaus concert on 06-Jun-22.
22-Mar-23 DE Berlin-Tempelhof,Candy Bomber Tonstudio. New album ("Rampen -apm: alien pop music") recording sessions. Engineered by Ingo Krauss. Webcast #02 (15:00 to 16:00)
Photo: Screen captures from second webcast.
Note: Supporters project Phase V (aka Rampen).
29-Mar-23 DE Berlin-Tempelhof,Candy Bomber Tonstudio. New album ("Rampen -apm: alien pop music") recording sessions. Engineered by Ingo Krauss. Webcast #03 (12:00 to 13:00)
Photo: Screen captures from third webcast.
Note: Supporters project Phase V (aka Rampen). Working on "Aus den Zeiten" (aka "Gelb" or "Die wahre Farbe"), a piece based on the Rampe from the Wiesbaden-Schlachthof concert on 10-Jun-22.
29-Mar-23 DE Berlin-Tempelhof,Candy Bomber Tonstudio. New album ("Rampen -apm: alien pop music") recording sessions. Engineered by Ingo Krauss. Webcast #04 (15:00 to 16:00)
Photo: Screen captures from fourth webcast.
Note: Supporters project Phase V (aka Rampen). Working on "Gesundbrunnen" (aka "Flickenteppich"), a piece based on the Rampe from the La Rochelle-La Sirene concert on 09-Oct-22.
05-Apr-23 DE Berlin-Tempelhof,Candy Bomber Tonstudio. New album ("Rampen -apm: alien pop music") recording sessions. Engineered by Ingo Krauss. Webcast #05 (12:00 to 13:02)
Photo: Screen captures from fifth webcast.
Note: Supporters project Phase V (aka Rampen). Working on "Trilobiten" (aka "Ich Du"), a piece based on the Rampe from the Praha/Prague-Forum Karlín concert on 31-May-22 and "Pit Of Language", a piece based on the Rampe from the London-O2 Forum concert on 23-Jun-22.
05-Apr-23 DE Berlin-Tempelhof,Candy Bomber Tonstudio. New album ("Rampen -apm: alien pop music") recording sessions Engineered by Ingo Krauss. Webcast #06 (15:00 to 15:50)
Photo: Screen captures from sixth webcast.
Note: Supporters project Phase V (aka Rampen). Working on "Trilobiten" (aka "Ich Du"), a piece based on the Rampe from the Praha/Prague-Forum Karlín concert on 31-May-22.
11-Apr-23 DE Berlin-Tempelhof,Candy Bomber Tonstudio. New album ("Rampen -apm: alien pop music") recording sessions. Engineered by Ingo Krauss.
Tracklist (working titles): (Bologna) Wie lange noch?/ (Berlin) Before I Go (*)/ (Helsinki) Isso Isso/ (Wiesbaden) Aus den Zeiten (aka Gelb) (*)/ (Zürich) Es könnte sein/ (La Rochelle) Gesundbrunnen (*)/ (London) The Pit Of Language (*)/ (Praha/Prague) Ich du (*)/ (Göteborg) Pestalozzi.
Photo: Photo of Blixa's folder, shared on forum.neubauten.org
Note 1: Supporters project Phase V (aka Rampen). Status so far. Tracks (*) were (partially) webcast.
Note 2: On the eve of hackedepicciotto's brief 4-date Canadian tour in Ontario (April 14-22) Alex contracts Covid, thus also delaying the album recording sessions.
02-May-23 DE Berlin-Tempelhof,Candy Bomber Tonstudio. New album ("Rampen -apm: alien pop music") recording sessions. Engineered by Ingo Krauss.
Note: Supporters project Phase V (aka Rampen). Working on "Planet Umbra"m a studio piece not based on any live rampe.
05-May-23 DE Berlin-Tempelhof,Candy Bomber Tonstudio. New album ("Rampen -apm: alien pop music") recording sessions. Engineered by Ingo Krauss. Webcast #08 (morning)
Photo: Screen captures from eight webcast.
Note: Supporters project Phase V (aka Rampen). Continuation from 04-May-23, working on "Ist Ist", a 12th piece based on the Rampe from the Köln-E-Werk concert on 17-Jun-22. Webcast (pre-recorded) on 07-May-23.
05-May-23 DE Berlin-Tempelhof,Candy Bomber Tonstudio. New album ("Rampen -apm: alien pop music") recording sessions. Engineered by Ingo Krauss. Webcast #07 (15:00 to 15:50)
Photo: Screen captures from seventh webcast.
Note: Supporters project Phase V (aka Rampen). Working on "Everything Will Be Fine" (aka "Kreuzweize"), a 14th piece based on the Rampe from the Lausanne-Les Docks concert on 12-Jun-22 and the Berlin-Columbiahalle concert on 01-Jun-22.
23-Jun-23 DE Berlin-Wedding,andereBaustelle Tonstudio New album ("Rampen -apm: alien pop music") recording sessions. Engineered by Boris Wilsdorf. Webcast #09 (15:00 to 16:00)
Photo: Screen captures from ninth webcast.
Note 1: Supporters project Phase V (aka Rampen). Relocated from Candy Bomber back to Boris Wilsdorf's studio. Due to Bargeld's health issues (after he fractured his leg in February, he ended up developing a severe case of insomnia/depression for which he needed medication for 3 months), work on the album had to be put on hold for the month of May (a planned live concert with Jamie Man in Amsterdam on June 15 had to be cancelled as well).
Note 2: Working on "The Pit Of Language", a piece based on the Rampe from the London-O2 Forum concert on 23-Jun-22, which will be released on the second supporter-only 12" single ("The Pit Of Language" [6:42]/"Tar & Feathers" [7:52]).
30-Jun-23 DE Berlin-Wedding,andereBaustelle Tonstudio New album ("Rampen -apm: alien pop music") recording sessions. Engineered by Boris Wilsdorf. Webcast #10 (15:00 to 15:50)
Photo: Screen captures from tenth webcast.
Note: Supporters project Phase V (aka Rampen). Working on "Wie Lange Noch?", a piece based on the Rampe from the Bologna-Teatro Auditorium Manzoni concert on 27-May-22, which will be released on the first supporter-only 12" single ("Wie lange noch? 8:56/ Wie lange noch? [al Ragout/Hacke Remix] 8:43". Only Blixa, Andrew, Jochen and Boris.
2x-Jul-23 DE Berlin-Wedding,andereBaustelle Tonstudio New album ("Rampen -apm: alien pop music") recording sessions. Engineered by Boris Wilsdorf.
Photo: Screen captures from Rudy's iPhone.
Note: Supporters project Phase V (aka Rampen). Working on "Ick wees nich" (aka Noch Nich), a piece based on the Rampe from the Wien-Arena concert on 14-Jun-22. Only Blixa, Rudy, Jochen and Boris. Alex is touring Canada with hackedepicciotto.
30-Aug-23 DE Berlin-Wedding,andereBaustelle Tonstudio New album ("Rampen -apm: alien pop music") recording sessions. Engineered by Boris Wilsdorf. Webcast #11 (15:00 to 16:10)
Photo: Screen captures from eleventh webcast.
Note: Supporters project Phase V (aka Rampen). Working on "Isso Isso", a piece based on the Rampe from Zürich-Rote Fabrik on 11-Jun-22 and on "Aus den Zeiten" (aka "Gelb" or "Die wahre Farbe"), a piece based on the Rampe from the Wiesbaden-Schlachthof concert on 10-Jun-22. Without Alex, who's touring.
22-Sep-23 DE Berlin-Wedding,andereBaustelle Tonstudio New album ("Rampen -apm: alien pop music") recording sessions. Engineered by Boris Wilsdorf. Webcast #12 (13:00 to 14:10)
Photo: Screen captures from twelfth webcast.
Note: Supporters project Phase V (aka Rampen). Working on "Before I Go", a piece based on the Rampe from the Berlin-Konzerthaus concert on 06-Jun-22; working on "Pestalozzi", a piece based on the Rampe from the Göteborg-Liseberg concert 19-Sep-22; working on "Ist Ist", piece based on the Rampe from the Köln-E-Werk concert on 17-Jun-22; working on "Everything Will Be Fine" (aka "Kreuzweize"), a piece based on the Rampe from the Lausanne-Les Docks concert on 12-Jun-22 and the Berlin-Columbiahalle concert on 01-Jun-22. Without Alex, who's touring.
28-Sep-23 DE Berlin-Wedding,andereBaustelle Tonstudio New album ("Rampen -apm: alien pop music") recording sessions. Engineered by Boris Wilsdorf. Webcast #13 (15:00 to 15:55)
Photo: Screen captures from thirteenth webcast.
Note: Supporters project Phase V (aka Rampen). Finalising on "Aus den Zeiten" (aka "Gelb" or "Die wahre Farbe"), a piece based on the Rampe from the Wiesbaden-Schlachthof concert on 10-Jun-22. Using Melodyne for the vocal part of "Ist Ist", a piece based on the Rampe from the Köln-E-Werk concert on 17-Jun-22. Only Blixa, Andrew, Jochen and Boris.
30-Sep-23 DE Berlin-Wedding,andereBaustelle Tonstudio New album ("Rampen -apm: alien pop music") recording sessions. Engineered by Boris Wilsdorf
Tracklist: (Bologna) Wie lange noch? [6:50]/ (Berlin) Before I Go (*) [5:05]/ (Helsinki) Isso Isso [5:05]/ (Wiesbaden) Aus den Zeiten (aka Gelb-Wahre Farbe)(*) [5:10]/ (Zürich) Es könnte sein [3:23]/ (La Rochelle) Gesundbrunnen (*) [6:00]/ (London) The Pit Of Language (*) [6:25]/ (Praha/Prague) Trilobiten (aka Ich du) (*) [6:32]/ (Göteborg) Pestalozzi [5:17]/ (Paris) Besser Isses [4:50]/ (Berlin studio) Planet Umbra [8:50]/ (Wien) "Ick wees nich" (aka Noch Nich) (*) [3:14]/ (Köln) Ist Ist (*) [3:41]/ (Berlin/Lausanne) Everything Will Be Fine (*) [4:50]/ (London) Tar & Feathers [7:52].
Photo: Photo of Blixa's folder, shared on forum.neubauten.org
Note: Supporters project Phase V (aka Rampen). Status so far. Tracks (*) were (partially) webcast.
22-Oct-23 DE Berlin,band members homes/studio/boat Webcast #14 (17:10 to 18:00)
Photo: Screen capture from fourteenth webcast.
Note: Supporters project Phase V (aka Rampen). Wrapping up the recording of the new album ("Rampen -apm: alien pop music"), the band invited supporters to a Question & Answer webcast. The band members joined via Zoom. 25-Oct-23 is the last studio day.
06/1x-Nov-23 DE Düsseldorf,Monoposto (MS & Jon Caffery's studio). New album ("Rampen -apm: alien pop music") mastering sessions. Engineered by Michael Schwabe.
Note: Supporters project Phase V (aka Rampen). Blixa and Boris Wilsdorf working on mastering the tracks for a double (vinyl) album.
16-Dec-23 DE Berlin,band members homes/studio "Rampen -apm: alien pop music" album listening party (15:00 to 16:25)
Tracklist: A: 1.Wie lange noch?/ 2. Ist Ist/ 3.Pestalozzi/ 4.Es könnte sein// B: 5.Before I Go/ 6.Isso Isso/ 7.Besser Isses/ 8.Pit Of Language/ 9.Everything Will be Fine/// C: 10.Planet Umbra/ 11.Tar and Feathers// D: 12.Aus den Zeiten/ 13.Ick wees nich/ 14.Trilobiten/ 15.Gesundbrunnen.
Photo: Screen capture from Zoom.
Note: Supporters project Phase V (aka Rampen). The album mastering has been finalized and the band invited supporters to an album listening party. 150 supporters joined the session. Album release scheduled for April 5, 2024. Final day of the Supporters project Phase V. archive.neubauten.org (a user contributed history - photos, bootleg audio and videos - band members and related material).
2024 Release of the new album "Rampen -apm: alien pop music", followed by a European tour in September/October 2024.
22-Mar-24 DE Release of the "Ist Ist" single (Potomak).
30-Mar-24 DE Berlin,Alex Hacke’s city walk (15:00-17:30)
Photo: Screen capture from live stream.
Note: Supporter's gathering - day 1. Alex Hacke’s city walk, starting at Humbold Forum toward the Eschschloraque bar and the Monsterkabinett art gallery, then onwards to the Cuore di Vetro icecream bar (@ 33 Max-Beer Strasse).
31-Mar-24 DE Berlin,Blixa's bus tour (10:00-12:00)
Photo: Screen capture from live stream.
Note: Supporter's gathering - day 2. Blixa’s bus tour, gathering point in front of the former Tempelhof Airport (Candy Bomber studios), then on towards Grazer Damm, Grazer Platz, Friedenauer Brücke, Kaisereiche, Saarstraße, Potsdamer Platz, Hansa Ton Studios, German Museum of Technology, Leuschnerdamm 42, SO36 concert hall, ending at Tritonus Tonstudio GmbH.
31-Mar-24 DE Berlin-Wedding,Silent Green-Betonhalle (20:00-23:00)
Setlist: Wedding/ Rampe: Come up and break something/ Rampe: ES-C-H-E-B-E-G (Andermal Anders jetzt)/ Sonnenbarke/ Rampe: Felixsynth (How did we all end up in the future? - Here we are)/ Rampe: Federrampe/ Ist Ist/ Rampe: Turbinenakkord (Come Into Existence)/ Rampe: Alex - Ballade (A Moll)/ Redukt/ Rampe: 50! (for Erin)/ Everything Will be Fine.
Photo: Screen capture from live stream.
Note: Supporter's only concert. Between 250 and 300 attended. Plus exhibition of Andrew's musical instruments at the Kino area inside the Betonhalle and after the concert supporters participated in Rudi’s church bells performance. Supporters had been asked to record the church bells in their home town on their phones and play them back at the venue. Rudy sampled and looped the recordings into a 20 minutes piece.
01-Apr-24 DE Berlin-Wedding,Silent Green-Kuppelhalle (14:00/15:00)
Photo: Screen captures from live streams.
Note: Supporter's gathering - day 3. Jochen's musical instrument exhibition (14:00), followed by the "APM" album listening session (15:00-16:20) by Zoom, followed by a 2nd attempt for Rudy's church bells project.
05-Apr-24 DE Release of "Rampen -apm: alien pop music" album (Potomak).
16-Aug-24 DE Release of the "Ist Ist" -Dubfire remixes single (Potomak).
24-Aug-24 DE Berlin-Gesundbrunnen,andereBaustelle Tonstudio (9:15-10:55PM)
Setlist: How Did I Die?/ Wie lange noch?/ Ten Grand Goldie/ Wedding/ Grazer Damm/ Isso Isso/ Ist Ist/ Möbliertes Lied/ Sabrina/ Die Befindliches de Landes/ Sonnenbarke/ Everything Will Be Fine/ Susej/ Seven Screws/ Trilobiten/ Gesundbrunnen.
Photo: Screen captures from live stream.
Note: Rehearsal for upcoming tour, webcast for supporters of which 37 followed the live stream.
03-Sep-24 De Berlin-Potsdam,Waschhaus
Setlist: Wie lange noch?/ Ten Grand Goldie/ How Did I Die?/ Wedding/ Grazer Damm/ Isso Isso/ Ist Ist/ Möbliertes Lied/ Sabrina/ Die Befindliches de Landes/ Sonnenbarke/ Everything Will Be Fine/ Susej/ Seven Screws/ Trilobiten/ Gesundbrunnen/ Besser Isses.
Photo: Credit Detlev Scheerbarth.
Flyer: Photo of e-Flyer.
Note 1: Warm-up show, attended by about 400 people.
Note 2: According to a long standing Neubauten tradition, at the end of each night, a USB stick with an audio soundboard recording of the complete live show is sold. Despite being recorded in mp3 format (@320 kpbs, 48kHz) the quality is excellent, and the recording is complete. Further copies are sold via neubauten.org (I'm hoping).
05-Sep-24 AT Wien,Sommer Arena/Open-Air-Gelände
Setlist: Pestalozzi/ Ten Grand Goldie/ How Did I Die?/ Wedding/ Grazer Damm/ Isso Isso/ Ist Ist/ Möbliertes Lied/ Sabrina/ Die Befindliches de Landes/ Sonnenbarke/ Susej/ Besser Isses/ Everything Will Be Fine/ Seven Screws/ Trilobiten/ Gesundbrunnen/ Let's Do It A Dada/ Wie lange noch?
Photo: Credit Stefanie Steindl.
06-Sep-24 DE München,Muffathalle
Setlist: Pestalozzi/ Ten Grand Goldie/ How Did I Die?/ Wedding/ Grazer Damm/ Isso Isso/ Ist Ist/ Möbliertes Lied/ Sabrina/ Die Befindliches de Landes/ Sonnenbarke/ Susej/ Everything Will Be Fine/ Seven Screws/ Trilobiten/ Gesundbrunnen/ Let's Do It A Dada/ Besser Isses.
Ticket: Photo of ticket.
Video: Private video.
07-Sep-24 HR Zagreb,Tvornica Kulture
Setlist: Pestalozzi/ Wie lange noch?/ Wedding/ Grazer Damm/ Isso Isso/ Möbliertes Lied/ Sabrina/ Die Befindliches de Landes/ Sonnenbarke/ Seven Screws/ Trilobiten/ Gesundbrunnen/ How Did I Die?/ Ten Grand Goldie/ Nagorny Karabach/ Ist ist/ Susej/ Redukt.
Photo: Screen capture from private video.
09-Sep-24 DE Berlin,Columbiahalle
Setlist: Pestalozzi/ Ist ist/ Wedding/ Grazer Damm/ Isso Isso/ Möbliertes Lied/ Sabrina/ Die Befindliches de Landes/ Sonnenbarke/ Seven Screws/ Trilobiten/ Gesundbrunnen/ How Did I Die?/ Ten Grand Goldie/ Nagorny Karabach/ Wie lange noch?/ Susej/ Redukt.
Photo: Screen capture from live webstream, for supporters @ Neubauten.org.
Poster: Photo of poster.
11-Sep-24 UK London-Shepherd's Bush,O2 Empire
Setlist: Pestalozzi/ Ist ist/ Wedding/ Grazer Damm/ Isso Isso/ Möbliertes Lied/ Sabrina/ Die Befindlichkeit des Landes/ Sonnenbarke/ Seven Screws/ Gesundbrunnen/ How Did I Die?/ Everything Will Be Fine/ Ten Grand Goldie/ Nagorny Karabach/ Wie lange noch?/ Susej/ Redukt.
Photo: Screen capture from private video.
12-Sep-24 BE Antwerpen,De Roma
Setlist: Pestalozzi/ Ist ist/ Wedding/ Grazer Damm/ Isso Isso/ Möbliertes Lied/ Sabrina/ Die Befindlichkeit des Landes/ Sonnenbarke/ Seven Screws/ Gesundbrunnen/ How Did I Die?/ Ten Grand Goldie/ Nagorny Karabach/ Wie lange noch?/ Everything Will Be Fine/ Susej.
Photo: Credit Creeping Mac Kroki.
14-Sep-24 DE Köln,E-Werk
Setlist: Pestalozzi/ Ist ist/ Wedding/ Grazer Damm/ Isso Isso/ Möbliertes Lied/ Sabrina/ Die Befindlichkeit des Landes/ Sonnenbarke/ Seven Screws/ Trilobiten/ Gesundbrunnen/ How Did I Die?/ Ten Grand Goldie/ Alles In Allem/ Besser Isses/ Everything Will Be Fine/ Susej.
Photo: Screen capture from live webstream, for supporters @ Neubauten.org.
15-Sep-24 DE Hamburg,Elbphilarmonie-Großer Saal
21-Sep-24 DK København-Frederiksberg,Det Kgl. Danske Musikkonservatoriums Koncertsal
22-Sep-24 DK København-Frederiksberg,Det Kgl. Danske Musikkonservatoriums Koncertsal
24-Sep-24 NL Utrecht,Tivoli-Grote Zaal
01-Oct-24 IT Roma,Auditorium Parco della Musica Ennio Morricone-Sala Santa Cecilia
02-Oct-24 IT Milano,Teatro Dal Verme
03-Oct-24 IT Ferrara Sotte le Stelle,Teatro Comunale Claudio Abbado
05-Oct-24 CH Zürich,Volkshaus
06-Oct-24 CH Genève,Alhambra
08-Oct-24 DE Frankfurt am Main,Batschkapp
09-Oct-24 DE Hannover,Capitol
11-Oct-24 SE Stockholm-Johanneshov,Nya Fållan
12-Oct-24 SE Stockholm-Johanneshov,Nya Fållan
13-Oct-24 NO Oslo,Sentrum Scene
16-Oct-24 HR Budapest,Akvárium Klub
17-Oct-24 DE Leipzig,Haus Auensee
18-Oct-24 CZ Praha,Forum Karlin
21-Oct-24 PL Warszawa,Klub Stodola
24-Oct-24 ES Barcelona,Sala Apolo
26-Oct-24 FR Toulouse,Le Bikini
27-Oct-24 FR Paris,La Cigale
29-Oct-24 BE Antwerpen,De Roma
Flyer: e-Flyer.
Note : 'alien pop music' 2024 tour, 30 dates.
Chronology (III) (Period: 2004-2018)
Chronology (II) (Period: 1993-2003)
Chronology (I) (Period: 1980-1992)
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