From The Archives

The Saints


1976 - 1978
The Saints circa 1976
 The Saints circa 1976 (@ 4 Petrie Terrace, "Club '76").
Chris Bailey, Ed Kuepper, Ivor Hay and Kym Bradshaw. Credit Jennifer Fay Gow.
Chronology: a chronological overview of known concert dates (some with setlists and/or ads), 
dates of (studio) recordings, all line-ups, assorted trivia and other tall tales 
related to the Australian band The Saints.
Date format is DD-MMM-YY.
Limited to the classic years.
-Information in grey italics is uncertain-
Formative years. Kid Galahad and the Eternals.

Kid Galahad and the Eternals Line-up #1 (Brisbane: 1973):
Chris Bailey (vocals)/ Ed Kuepper (guitar) and Ivor Hay (keyboards/bass).

Chelmer 1973

AU Brisbane-Chelmer,Chelmer Hall (@ 2 Halsbury Street)
Corinda High - school function

Photo: Google street view 2024.

Note: First official gig, with Bruce Anthon [1976 in The Survivors] on drums. Chelmer Hall (now Chelmer Community Centre) is opposite Chelmer railway station.

Kid Galahad and the Eternals Line-up #2 (Brisbane: 1974):
Chris Bailey (vocals)/ Ed Kuepper (guitar)/ Ivor Hay (keyboards/bass)
and Laurie -Mysterio- Cuffe (drums).

Early/Mid 1974
AU Brisbane-Oxley,Lawson Street,Ed Kuepper's parents' garage

Setlist: Wild About You [Andy James/The Missing Links](1)/ Do The Robot(2)/ One Way Street(1)/ Knock On Wood [Eddie Floyd]/ Erotic Neurotic(1)/ River Deep, Mountain High [Phil Spector/Ike & Tina Tuner]/ Lies(2)/ (I'm) Stranded(1)/ Messin' With The Kid(1).

Note: Rehearsals, recorded by Ed's dad with a mono cassette deck, released on "The Most Primitive Band In The World" album (Hot Records 1995). "(I'm) Stranded" also released on the V/A: "Do The Pop! Redux Part One" 2CD (Shock/Savage Beat!, 2007). Later, in December 1976, these songs (1) are recorded for their debut album; and in February 1977, these songs (2) are recorded for their "This Perfect Day" 12". Laurie Cuffe in 1981 joined The Cuban Heels.

Kid Galahad and the Eternals Line-up #3 (Brisbane: Mid-Late 1974):
Chris Bailey (vocals)/ Ed Kuepper (guitar)/ Ivor Hay (keyboards/bass)
and John Sawyer (drums).

Early/Mid 1974
AU Brisbane,University of Queensland-Refectory

Setlist: (a.o.) (I'm) Misunderstood.

Note 1: Released on "The Most Primitive Band In The World" album (Hot Records 1995). Later, in Sep/Dec 1977, the above song is recorded for their second album, "Eternally Yours".

Note 2: "The time in history was the house in Rathdonnell Street in Milton-Brisbane around mid 74. Was with you [Ed Kuepper] for about 6 months. Played 2 gigs and the Refectory QLD Uni." John Sawyer Facebook.

Brisbane-Toowong 21-Sep-74

AU Brisbane-Toowong,Returned Services League Hall (@ 65 Sylvan Road)

Ad: Ed Kuepper archives.

Note: "We staged our big debut at a local 'Returned Soldiers Hall', about 150 people turned up, half of who walked out after the first number. Then after the second [number] our drummer walked out and we almost called it 'quits' but we decided to keep playing to the 30 people who were still with us. Before the last number the manager of the hall arrived with cops, turned off the power and told us to "fuck off! The cops told us they would confiscate our equipment if we didn't go, so we went." Ed Kuepper in Sniffin' Glue #4- Punk zine, October 1976.

AU Brisbane,-

Note: "We retired from the music scene for a while and then started off again when we got a new drummer. We booked another hall and the second dance was a bit more successful but we had to stop early again. The hall manager was beaten up because he tried to stop people from pissing in his yard, which was next-door." Ed Kuepper in Sniffin' Glue #4- Punk zine, October 1976.

Kid Galahad and the Eternals Line-up #4 (Brisbane: Early 1975):
Chris Bailey (vocals)/ Ed Kuepper (guitar)/ Ivor Hay (keyboards/bass)
and Jeffrey Wegener (drums).

Early 1975
AU Brisbane,Trades Hall,Headquarters of Communist Party

Note: "This brings us up to the start of '75. We got another drummer, our first date with him was at a 'Communist Party of Australia' dance. We thought this might be our first success but our fan-club got a bit over enthusiastic and a fight broke out with the Commies which we got dragged into. By this time we were banned by all the local halls so we broke up." Ed Kuepper in Sniffin' Glue #4 - Punk zine, October 1976. Jeffrey Wegener later, in April 1979, joined Ed Kuepper's Laughing Clowns.

The Saints Line-up #1 (Brisbane: Mid 1975 - January 1976):
Chris Bailey (vocals)/ Ed Kuepper (guitar)/ Doug Balmanno (bass) and Ivor Hay (drums).

AU Brisbane,Festival Hall
Battle of the bands

AU Brisbane,Queensland Academy Of Music

AU Brisbane,-

Note: "After a couple of months we decided to make another go of it, as the Saints. This time, Ivor changed to drums and we got another bass player and played our first really successful dance. It was on New Year's Eve around a swimming pool and the audience was great." Ed Kuepper in Sniffin' Glue #4 - Punk zine, October 1976.
Doug Balmanno joined, folk artist, Eric Bogle's band, later in 1980. Bogle became known for his song "The Band Played Waltzing Matilda", covered (among many others) by The Pogues.

Recording first single and album. Signing to EMI records (Australia).

Brisbane-Sherwood 23-Jan-76

AU Brisbane/Sherwood-Indooroopilly,Returned Services League Hall (@ 2 Clewley Street Corinda)

Flyer: Photo (courtesy of Donat Tahiraj) of flyer.

Photo 1: Google street view 2024.

Photo 12: Gig photo, Ed Kuepper archives.

Note 1: "[The New Year's Eve] booking got us another, put on by the newly started Queensland FM Radio Station [4ZZZ (as 4ZZ-FM) first went to air on 08-Dec-75], about 500 people turned up, half of who walked out but those who stayed loved it. The guy who booked us was arrested for selling drugs and the guy who took over the station, hated us. So, after a few more moderately successful dates we decided to cut a record ourselves because the record companies didn't want to have anything to do with us. Just before the record ["(I’m) Stranded" single] was recorded our bass player left in highly scandalous circumstances and Kim Bradshaw joined the band. He's the first fourth member who's been enthusiastic about our stuff." Ed Kuepper in Sniffin' Glue #4 - Punk zine, October 1976.

Note 2: "The dance was busted up by a bodgie gang [i.e. "Rockers"] called the Taringa Boys, who arrived in a fleet of Ford Customlines and unleashed a bloodbath; it was one of the rare occasions in Brisbane that the police were a welcome sight." From "Stranded -Australian Independent Music, 1976-1992 (Revised/Expanded 2021)", a book by Clinton Walker.

Brisbane 13-Feb-76

AU Brisbane,University of Queensland,Relax Block

Flyer: Photo of flyer.

AU Brisbane-Bowen Hills,Cloudland Dance Hall
(Friday night residency)

Note: Presented by radio 4IP.

The Saints Line-up #2 (Brisbane: May 1976 - London: July 1977):
Chris Bailey (vocals)/ Ed Kuepper (guitar)/ Kym Bradshaw (bass) and Ivor Hay (drums).

AU Brisbane-West End,Bruce Window Electronics (BWE) studio (@ 10 Buchanan Street). Recording their first single, "(I’m) Stranded/No Time" in about 5 hours, finishing around midnight. Engineered and produced by Mark Moffatt. 25-year-old Moffatt had just returned to Brisbane from a stay in London, where he worked at Top Gear Music (a guitar shop in Denmark Street). Some sources date this session on 11-May-76. Detailed account of the recording session at Window Recording Studios was sold in 1978 and renamed Sunshine Studios. The Go Betweens recorded some early singles at Sunshine (1978-1979).

Brisbane-Sandgate 1976

AU Brisbane-Sandgate,Town Hall

Photo: Credit Joe Borkowski.

AU Brisbane,University of Queensland

Note: "When The Saints put on a show at Queensland University my excuses to Virginia for not going to their gigs ran out. She and I arrived to find fifty people scattered along the walls of a low-ceilinged room and the band already playing. My impressions of them were hard to coordinate as I'd seen little live music, going to out-of-the-way halls to hear bands play Uriah Heep covers not being my thing, and this was pre-punk. The Saints were loud and their guitarist was bent over his red Gibson SG in a defiant slouch that became his trademark. The singer, curled black hair in his eyes, a troublesome youth, sat intermittently in a chair in front of the small wooden stage with his back to the audience, only going to the microphone to sing. I thought that was cool. We left after half an hour. Outside, Virginia asked me what I thought, and considering the slow tempos of the long songs we'd heard, I said rather feebly that they reminded me of Roxy Music. She huffed. That wasn't the right answer, and soon after she told me they'd recorded a single." From "Grant & I", a book by Robert Forster (Omnibus Press, 2018).

Petrie Terrace Club 76

September 1976
AU Brisbane,No.4 (aka No.2) Petrie Terrace, "Club '76"

Photo: Exterior/interior - then/now.

Note: Chris Bailey moved in to No.4 with his sister Margaret. When she left soon after, Bailey was joined by Ivor Hay. The former shopfront became a new rehearsal space for The Saints. After a glass plate at the front of the house was smashed in protest against the band, Ed Kuepper suggests writing ‘Club 76’ over the boarded up window and using the house for live shows. "Cnr Milton Rd and Petrie Terrace. The location of the infamous Club 76. The Saints self run venue for about 6 months in 1976 . At the time the Qld Police barracks were across the road. It took them a while but they shut it down in the end." Ed Kuepper Facebook.

Brisbane 1976

September 1976
AU Brisbane,TVQ studios @ Mt Cootha
Channel 0 TV

Setlist: Miming to "(I’m) Stranded".

Photo: Screen capture.

Video: Video @ Ed Kuepper's YouTube channel.

Note: Recorded in September, (re)broadcast later (20-Dec-76?).

AU Release of "(I’m) Stranded/No Time" single (Fatal records).

Note: Reportedly 530 pressed (at Astor Records in Melbourne and received by Ed Kuepper on 02-Aug-76 in Brisbane). Never released in picture sleeve.

Review 1: Review of the single, taken from Juke (AU) 25-Sep-76.

Review 2: Review of the single, taken from Sounds (UK) music weekly, 16-Oct-76.

Review 3: Review of the single, taken from Sniffin' Glue #4 (UK), Oct-76.

AU Brisbane-Bowen Hills,Cloudland Dance Hall
[with Mother Goose]

AU Sydney. Band sign to EMI records.

Late 1976
AU Sydney,Chequers

Note: First gig in Sydney.

AU Brisbane-West End,Bruce Window Electronic (BWE) studio (@ 10 Buchanan Street). Recording and mixing their first album "(I’m) Stranded" in 2 days. Engineered by Mark Moffatt. Produced by Rod Coe. Nine songs recorded: One Way Street/ Wild About You [Andy James/Missing Links]/ Messin' With The Kid/ Erotic Neurotic/ Kissin' Cousins [Wise/Starr-Elvis Presley]/ Story Of Love/ Demolition Girl/ Nights In Venice/ Untitled. 8 tracks together with the 2 tracks ("(I’m) Stranded/No Time" single) from the June sessions are released on their debut album. "Untitled" was released on "Wild About You 1976-1978" 2CD (Raven records, 2000) and "All Times Through Paradise" 4CD (EMI 2004).

Stranded -Power Exchange

UK Release of "(I’m) Stranded/No Time" single (Power Exchange Records & Tapes).

Ad: Scan of ad, taken from Sniffin' Glue #5 - Punk zine, November 1976.

Review: Scan of review from Slash (US) magazine Vol 1. Issue #1 - May 1977, courtesy of

Note: The London based black-oriented Power Exchange record label was founded in November 1974 by Americans Paul Robinson and Steve Rowland. Their aim was "to establish a UK soul repertoire company which is not completely dependent on imported product and is to have merchandising muscle from a major such as EMI", which financially assisted them.

Gold Coast 23-Dec-76

AU Gold Coast,Miami High School,Great Hall
[support for AC/DC]

Ticket: Scan of ticket.

Move to Sydney and later to London (UK). Recording their second album, "Eternally Yours" in London.

AU Initial master/test pressing of the "(I’m) Stranded" album (EMI).


AU Brisbane,Petrie Terrace (Club 76) and a disused terrace house at Paddington-Lang Park

Setlist: Video clip for "(I’m) Stranded", directed by Russell Mulcahy.

Photo: Screen captures.

Video: Video @ Ed Kuepper's YouTube channel.

AU Reissue of the "(I’m) Stranded/No Time" single (EMI).

AU Move to Sydney @ Berry Street

Note:" The Saints first residence/rehearsal room when we moved to Sydney in early 1977. The original building was a two story block of four flats , we had one quarter which was christened Saintsville from memory." Ed Kuepper Facebook.

AU Sydney,EMI Studio 301. Recording "L-I-E-S" and "Do The Robot". Engineered by Mark Opitz.
Produced by Ed Kuepper, Chris Bailey and Rod Coe.

Stranded EMI

AU Release of the "(I’m) Stranded" album (EMI).

Ad: Scan of advert, from Record Mirror (UK) 09-Apr-77.

Review 1: Review, from Record Mirror (UK) 12-Mar-77.

Review 2: Original Review, from Sounds (UK) 12-Mar-77,.

AU Sydney,Chequers

Sydney 21-Apr-77

AU Sydney,ABC TV
"Flashez" TV show

Photo: Screen captures.

Note: Broadcast date. Band is interviewed by Kate Kirkpatrick. "Flashez", a national daily teenage show, was presented by pop/rock stars Ray Burgess and Mike Meade. The show ran for 30 minutes, 5 nights a week, from 02-Aug-76 to 02-Dec-77.

Sydney 02-Apr-77

AU Sydney-Darlinghurst,Oxford Funhouse

Flyer 1: Photo of flyer.

Flyer 2: Photo of flyer.

Sydney 03-Apr-77

AU Sydney-Paddington,Town Hall
[with Radio Birdman and The Hot Spurs]

Setlist: This Perfect Day/ Run Down/ Erotic Neurotic/ Demolition Girl/ Nights In Venice.

Poster 1: Photo of poster (designed by Warwick Gilbert).

Poster 2: Photo of version of poster (designed by Warwick Gilbert).

Poster 3: Scan of poster, reproduced in "Radio Birdman", a book by Vivien Johnson (1992).

Photo: Screen captures from TV broadcast.

Note: Above tracks released on "All Times Through paradise" 4CD box set (EMI, 2004). Video available on "Hymns Of Oblivion" VHS tape (Hoyts Polygram Video, 1990). "This Perfect Day" also broadcast on the "After Dark" music program on Channel 7 TV.

UK Release of the "Erotic Neurotic/One Way Street" 7" single (Harvest).

Sydney 14-Apr-77

AU Sydney-Gore Hill,ABC Studio 221
“The Real Thing” TV show

Setlist: Orstralia/ Lipstick On Your Collar/ River Deep Mountain High/ Runaway/ (I'm) Stranded/ Do The Robot/ Run Down/ One Way Street/ (I'm) Stranded (1)/ Lost And Found/ Kissin' Cousins/ Demolition Girl (2)/ Erotic Neurotic (3)/ Orstralia (4).

Photo: Screen captures from broadcast.

Note: (1) broadcast on 15-Dec-77, (2) broadcast on 22-Feb-78, (3) broadcast on 01-Mar-78 and (4) in Mar-78. The Real Thing was a short-lived ABC TV series that showcased live Australian musical performances. The live performances were filmed by the ABC from March to July 1977, some live concerts; others live in the studio. There were 13 episodes (from 01-Dec-77 till xx-Mar-78).

US Release of "(I’m) Stranded/No Time" single (Sire).

Melbourne April 1977

AU Melbourne-St.Kilda,Beverley Crest Hotel International,Be Bop & Loo Bar

AU Melbourne-Richmond,Royal Oak Hotel,Tiger Room

Photo: At Tiger Room. Credit © Rennie Ellis .

Ad: Scan of ad, taken from The Age, 22-Apr-77.

Review: Tiger Room gig reviewed by Allan Webster, taken from Juke (AU) weekly music mag, 14-May-77.

Note: The Saints are performing for the first time in Melbourne, late April 1977. At the Tiger Room gig (photo) Nick Cave attends accompanied by Garry Gray [The Reals/Negatives, later Sacred Cowboys], Phill Calvert [Boys Next Door, later Birthday Party] and Rob Wellington [The Obsessions]. At the Beverley Crest Hotel, Nick Cave attends with Chris Walsh [The Reals/The Negatives, The Fabulous Marquises and The Moodists] and Rob Wellington [later International Exiles and Little Murders].

Melbourne April 1977

AU Melbourne-Ferntree,Gully Hotel

Setlist: (a.o.) Runaway [Del Shannon]/ Kissin' Cousins [Wise/Starr-Elvis Presley]/...

Review: Gully Hotel gig reviewed by Janet Austin, taken from Pulp fanzine #1, August 1977.

AU Sydney,Bondi Lifesaver Club
[with Rose Tattoo]

Sydney 11-May-77

AU Sydney,University,Holme Building Refectory
[with Johnny Dole and The Scabs]

Flyer: Scan of flyer.

Sydney 14-May-77

AU Sydney-Darlinghurst,Oxford Funhouse

Flyer: Photo of flyer.

AU Release of the "Erotic Neurotic/One Way Street" 7" single (EMI).

AU Melbourne-Ripponlea,ABC TV
"Countdown" TV show

Setlist: "Erotic Neurotic".

Note 1: Live vocals and alternate lyrics, with a different mix of the music than on the released single version.

Note 2: Broadcast date. Likely recorded when they were playing in Melbourne in April. "Countdown", was a national weekly music show, hosted by Ian 'Molly' Meldrum, which aired from 08-Nov-74 to 19-Jul-87.

UK Release of the "(I’m) Stranded" album (Harvest).

Review: Scan of review from Slash (US) magazine Vol 1. Issue #3 - August 1977, courtesy of

AU The band move to London (UK). Ed Kuepper finds a basement flat in one of the Gardnor Mansions on Church Row, Hampstead.

London 05-Jun-77

UK London,Roundhouse @ Chalk Farm
[support for The Ramones and Talking Heads]

Ad: Original ad from Melody Maker 21-May-77.

Handbill: Scan of handbill.

Review: Photo of review of show by Tony Parsons, NME 02-Jul-77.

Note 1: First UK gig. "Our first show in London was at the Roundhouse, supporting the Ramones, which was packed. We went into our first set and two songs in my amp blew up, it became a difficult thing for us to handle. Bailey got abusive, the audience got abusive. I walked off stage and it wasn't one of the greatest debuts." Ed Kuepper interviewed for "Prehistoric Sounds" Vol.1, Issue #1, 1994 by Ian McFarlane.

Note 2: Bank holiday weekend for the Queen’s Silver Jubilee.

London 06-Jun-77

UK London,Roundhouse (@ Chalk Farm)
[support for The Ramones and Talking Heads]

Setlist: Do The Robot/ Run Down/ I'm Stranded/ One Way Street/ Demolition Girl/ Nights In Venice/ Wild About You [Andy James/Missing Links]/ Kissin' Cousins/ Orstalia/ (I'm) Misunderstood/ This Perfect Day/ Erotic Neurotic.

Poster: Photo of poster.

Review: Original review of show by Caroline Coon, Melody Maker 11-Jun-77. "[...] indeed, a lot of people laughed off their weak performance, since it was the first time they'd played before more than 200 people."

Note: Second UK gig. Released on the "Cabaret At The Roundhouse, Live 1977" bootleg CD (2006), sourced from an audience tape.

London 10-Jun-77

UK London,Marquee Club (@ 90 Wardour Street)
[with The Stukas & DJ Ian Fleming]

Ad 1: Original ad from Melody Maker 11-Jun-77.

Ad 2: Scan of advert from UK mag.

Review: Scan of review, taken from Record Mirror 18-Jun-77.

Note: Third UK gig.

UK Scunthorpe,Priory Hotel

Note: May have been cancelled.

UK London,Wessex Studios,recording/mixing "This Perfect Day". Engineered by Bill Price.
Produced by Ed Kuepper and Chris Bailey.

London-Camden 16-Jun-77

UK London-Camden,Dingwalls

Ad: Original ad from Melody Maker 18-Jun-77.

Note: First UK tour.

UK June 1977

UK Leighton Buzzard,Bossard Hall

UK Dunstable,California Ballroom

Ad: Scan of ad from UK mag.

Note: First UK tour.

Croydon 19-Jun-77

UK London-Croydon,Fox at The Greyhound

Ad: Original ad from Melody Maker 18-Jun-77.

Note 1: First UK tour. "Austrialia's New Wave heroes..."

Note 2: "One time we were playing at the Croydon Greyhound, which holds about 600. It was packed with about 400 and about 30 or so punks jumped on stage and started pogoing around , almost took over, but we kept playing. It coulda turned into an ugly scene, but we took control again". Ivor Hay, interview from Pulp fanzine, 1978.

London 20-Jun-77

UK London,The Nashville Room
[with 999]

UK London,The Nashville Room
[with 999]

Ad: Original ad from NME 18-Jun-77.

Photo: Scan of photo from UK fanzine, circa October, 1977. Text refers to the "One Two Three Four" EP (released 14-Oct-77).

Review: Scan of review from Slash (US) magazine Vol 1. Issue #3 - August 1977, courtesy of

Note: First UK tour.

Twickenham 22-Jun-77

UK London-Twickenham,Fox at The Winning Post

Ad: Original ad from Melody Maker 18-Jun-77.

Note: First UK tour.

Islington 23-Jun-77

UK London-Islington,Hope & Anchor Club

Ad: Original ad from NME 25-Jun-77.

Note 1: First UK tour.

Note 2: Chris fights with a heckler who kept grabbing his tie. "Chris Bailey [...], left the mike and jumped into the front row fracas to lay one on a heckler who'd been bugging him all through the group's set..." NME 09-Jul-77.

London 24-Jun-77

UK London-Covent Garden,The Roxy
[with Bethnal and Neo]

UK London-Covent Garden,The Roxy
[with Tubeway Army and Mean Street]

Ad 1: Original ad from NME 18-Jun-77.

Ad 2: Scan of advert, reproduced in Paul Marko's "The Roxy London WC2" book.

Note: Replacing the two Rock Garden gigs that got cancelled.

UK BBC Radio Newcastle,Dick Godfrey's "Bedrock" show
[with The Stranglers, Lamplight, Albion Country band]

Note: "Bedrock" was a rock and local music programme that ran on BBC Radio Newcastle from 1974-1984. Created and originally produced by Dick Godfrey, until Ian Penman took over.

FR Paris,-

London 24-Jun-77

UK Plymouth,Woods Leasure Centre
(2 sets)

UK Penzance,Winter Gardens

Article: Scan of article (part 2), taken from Sounds 16-Jul-77, courtesy of Stephan.

UK Release of the "This Perfect Day/L.I.E.S" 7" single (Harvest) and "This Perfect Day// L.I.E.S/ Do The Robot" 12" single (Harvest).

Review 1: Scan of review, taken from Record Mirror 16-Jul-77.

Review 2: Scan of review, taken from NME (UK) 23-Jul-77, courtesy of Stephan.

Review 3: Scan of review from Slash (US) magazine Vol 1. Issue #4 - September 1977, courtesy of

UK Dudley,JB Club

Manchester 03-Jul-77

UK Manchester,The Electric Circus

Flyer: Scan of flyer, sourced from the Manchester Digital Music Archive.

Photo: Photo, credit by Kevin Cummins, sourced from the Manchester Digital Music Archive.

UK June 1977

UK Doncaster,The Outlook Club

UK Swindon,The Affair Club

Ad: Scan of ad from UK mag.

Note: First UK tour, continued.

Birmingham 07-Jul-77

UK Birmingham,Rebecca's

Ticket: Scan of ticket.

Listing: Scan of listing from Record Mirror 09-Jul-77.

Sunderland 08-Jul-77

UK Sunderland,Seaburn Hall

Listing: Original listing from NME 09-Jul-77.

Liverpool 09-Jul-77

UK Liverpool,Eric's

Calendar: Scan of calendar, sourced from thenewcornpoppy.blogspot.

Edinburgh 11-Jul-77

UK Edinburgh,Tiffany's
[with The Sale]

Ad: Scan of ad, sourced from The Edinburgh Gig Archive.

Flyer: Scan of flyer.

London 13-Jul-77

UK London,Marquee Club (@ 90 Wardour Street)
[with DJ Ian Fleming]

Ad: Original ad from NME 09-Jul-77.

London 14-Jul-77

UK London,BBC TV Studios
"Top Of The Pops" music show

Setlist: (miming to) "This Perfect Day".

Photo: Screen capture.

Note: TOTP 14-Jul-77 was hosted by David Jensen. Real Thing -Love’s Such A Wonderful Thing (live)/ Rita Coolidge -We're All Alone (promo clip)/ The Saints -This Perfect Day (live/miming)/ Commodores -Easy (Legs & Co)/ Dave Edmunds -I Knew The Bride (re-recording)/ Jigsaw -If I Have To Go Away/ Supertramp -Give A Little Bit (live film clip)/ Cilla Black - I Wanted To Call It Off (live)/ The Sex Pistols -Pretty Vacant (promo clip)/ Kenny Rogers -chat with host/ Hot Chocolate -So You Win Again number one (repeat 7th July 1977).

London 15-Jul-77

NL Amsterdam,Paradiso-Kleine Zaal
[with Cake]

Setlist: (a.o.) One Way Street/ Demolition Girl/ Erotic Neurotic/ Kissin' Cousins/ (I'm) Stranded/...

Ad: Scan of ad, taken from De Volkskrant 14-Jul-77.

Review: Scan of review, taken from NRC Handelsblad 16-Jul-77. "Although the major record companies all believe they have some hot irons in the fire, not all Punk and New Wave groups are suitable for consumption. For example, last night the Australian group The Saints played at the Paradiso and, as their name suggested, they were certainly aren't sweethearts. The group lacks the glamor of the British Punks, they remain somewhat rough sheep farmers, but musically they are moving in (the Punk/New Wave) direction, although a slight American Ramones influence can also be discerned. The Saints played according to the old rock-format with a drummer (Ivor Hay), bass player (Kym Bradshaw), guitarist (Ed Kuepper) and a singer (Chris Bailey). The latter two also write most of the songs. The group has not yet found a recognizable style and it also lacked the sharpness in execution that the debut LP "I'm Stranded" has. The performance was by no means sensational [...]. In the frantic hunt for speed records, songs such as "One Way Street", "Demolition Girl", "Erotic Neurotic", "Kissin' Cousins" followed each other rapidly (as well as) the single "Stranded", which was reprized in the encore for lack of more. It sounded too monotonous and too inaccurate to label The Saints as a promising offshoot of the Punk lineage. This way it's just a dime a dozen." (translated from Dutch)

Note: First concert on the continent.

Birmingham 16-Jul-77

UK Birmingham,Barbarella's

Setlist: Do The Robot/ Run Down/ One Way Street/ Lipstick On Your Collar/ Demolition Girl/ Nights In Venice/ Runaway [Del Shannon]/ Wild About You [Andy James/Missing Links]/ River Deep Mountain High [Phil Spector/Ike & Tina Tuner]/ Erotic Neurotic/ Orstralia/ Kissin' Cousins/ (I'm) Stranded/ This Perfect Day.

Photo: Photo of exterior credit Sean McCarthy.

Note 1: See also 22-Jul-77 entry. NME 16-Jul-77 listings show Deaf School at Barbarella's on the 16th. According to recollections of Paddy @ Birmingham Music Archive he saw the Saints Barbarella's on the 16th of July and the 8th of October.

Note 2: Barbarella's, opened in 1972 was initially a disco venue that turned into a live rock venue, and became legendary by hosting punk bands in 1975/76. It closed in August 1979.

Birmingham 17-Jul-77

UK Birmingham,Digbeth Rag Market,Britain's Burning festival
[with The Clash, Cherry Vanilla, The Slits, Tom Robinson Band, Subway Sect, Stinky Toys, Snatch, and Shag Nasty]

Ad: Original page-sized ad from NME 09-Jul-77.

Note: The local council managed to shut the festival down within a couple of days of its start. The Clash came anyway and played at Barbarella's. Original article from NME 16-Jul-77 and scan of article from Record Mirror 23-Jul-77.

UK London-Twickenham,The Winning Post

UK Paisley,Silver Thread

Retford 22-Jul-77

UK Retford,Porterhouse
[with The Boomtown Rats]

Listing: Scan of listing from Record Mirror 16-Jul-77.

UK Birmingham,Barbarella's
[with The Cortinas]

Setlist: Do The Robot/ Run Down/ One Way Street/ Lipstick On Your Collar/ Demolition Girl/ Nights In Venice/ Runaway [Del Shannon]/ Wild About You [Andy James/Missing Links]/ River Deep Mountain High [Phil Spector/Ike & Tina Tuner]/ Erotic Neurotic/ Orstralia/ Kissin' Cousins/ (I'm) Stranded/ This Perfect Day.

Note: May likely have happened on the 16th. The Record Mirror issue from 23-Jul-77 does not lists any gigs at Barbarella's for the 22nd. The Saints second gig (after supporting Boomtown Rats @ Retford) of the day? An audio recording with date '22-Jul-77' exists.

UK Birmingham,Barbarella's

Note: Saints gig likely cancelled. Record Mirror 23-Jul-77 lists 'O' Band for this day.

London 24-Jul-77

UK London-Hammersmith Odeon
[support for The Jam, with The Boys]

Setlist: (a.o.) Do The Robot/ Lipstick On Your Collar/...

Poster: Photo of poster.

Review: Scan of review, taken from Record Mirror 30-Jul-77.

Note: Last date of tour.

UK London,Air Studios,recording 4 tracks. Two covers, "Lipstick On Your Collar" [Lewis/Goehring] and "River Deep Mountain High" [Phil Spector/Ike & Tina Tuner] and 2 re-recordings of two cuts from their debut album "One Way Street" and "Demolition Girl" for the "One Two Three Four" EP. Engineered by Bill Price [who also worked with The Clash, The Sex Pistols, Pete Townshend, etc..]. Produced by Ed Kuepper and Chris Bailey.

AU Sydney,ABC TV
"Flashez" TV show

Note: Ed Kuepper and Ivor Hay are interviewed by Ray Burgess, while on holiday in Australia.

AU Release of the "This Perfect Day// L.I.E.S 7" single (EMI).

The Saints Line-up #3 (London: September 1977-October 1978):
Chris Bailey (vocals)/ Ed Kuepper (guitar)/ Alisdair -Algy- Ward (bass) and Ivor Hay (drums).

UK London,Wessex Studios,recordings for their second album, initially titled "International Robots" (later "Eternally Yours"). Engineered by Bill Price. Tracks recorded: Orstralia/ Lost And Found/ The Ballad/ This Perfect Day/ Run Down/ Minor Aversion/ Champagne Misery/ Private Affair/ No, You're Product/ New Centre Of The Universe/ River Deep, Mountain High/ Untitled/ (I'm) Misunderstood/ Do The Robot. "International Robots"-sessions, later released on the "All Times Through Paradise" 4CD box (EMI,2004).

US Release of the "(I’m) Stranded" album (Sire).

UK London,Roundhouse Studios,recording/mixing the "Know Your Product/Run Down" single. Engineered by Mark Dearnley. Produced by Ed Kuepper and Chris Bailey.

London-Camden 0x-Oct-77

UK London-Camden,Music Machine (@ 1 Camden High Street)
[with Wayne County and the Electric Chairs]

Photo: Screen capture.

Ad: Original advert from NME 08-Oct-77.

Review 1: Scan of review from Record Mirror 15-Oct-77.

Review 2: Scan of review from Sounds Oct-77, courtesy of Stephan.

Video: Video @ Ed Kuepper's YouTube channel.

Note: Video footage from the gig is used as promo-clip for the "Lipstick On Your Collar" single/ "One Two Three Four" EP.

UK Tour October 1977

UK Wellington,Town House

Listing: Scan of listing for October tour, from Record Mirror 08-Oct-77.

Birmingham 07-Oct-77

UK Birmingham,Barbarellas

Listing: Scan of listing from Record Mirror 08-Oct-77.

Birmingham 08-Oct-77

UK Birmingham,Barbarellas

Listing: Scan of listing from Record Mirror 08-Oct-77.

UK Release of the "One Two Three Four" EP (Harvest).

Review: Scan of review from Slash (US) magazine Vol 1. Issue #10 - May 1978, courtesy of

UK Oct-77

UK Rotherham,Windmill

UK Cardiff,Top Rank Suite

Ad: Scan of full page ad, taken from the NME 15-Oct-77.

Note: Start of second tour of the UK, within the same year.

Leeds 15-Oct-77

UK Leeds,Queens Hall
[support for The Stranglers, with The Drones, Penetration and The Automatics]

Ad: Original ad from NME 08-Oct-77.

Note: Second tour of the UK, within the same year.

UK Oct-77

UK Plymouth,The Woods

UK Coventry,Mr. George's

UK Redditch,Tracy's

UK Halifax,The Good Mood Club

UK Middlesbrough,Rock Garden
[with Blitzkrieg Bop]

UK Doncaster,The Outlook Club
[with The Adverts and The Rage]

UK Edinburgh-Falkirk,The Manique
[with The Adverts and The Rage]

Poster: Photo of poster.

Note: Second tour of the UK, within the same year.

UK London,Wessex Studios,first mixing of the "International Robots/Eternally Yours" album. Engineered by Bill Price. Produced by Ed Kuepper and Chris Bailey.

Edinburgh 28-Oct-77

UK Edinburgh,Clouds Club
[with The Adverts and The Rage]

Ad: Scan of ad.

Poster: Photo of poster.

Aberdeen 31-Oct-77

UK Aberdeen,Aberdeen University
[with The Adverts and The Rage]

Listing: Scan of listing from Record Mirror (UK) 29-Oct-77.

UK Glasgow,University of Strathclyde
[with The Adverts and The Rage]

London 31-Oct-77

UK London,Marquee Club @ 90 Wardour street
[with Sore Throat and DJ Ian Fleming]

UK London,Marquee Club @ 90 Wardour street
[with DJ Ian Fleming]

Ad: Scan of ad.

UK Brighton,Top Rank
[with The Adverts and The Rage]

UK Barnstaple,Chequers
[with The Adverts and The Rage]

UK Reading,Top Rank
[with The Adverts and The Rage]

Note: Continuing the tour with The Adverts and The Rage.

London 04-Nov-77

UK London,-

Photo: Screen capture.

Note: Chris Bailey is filmed for Australian's ABC TV "Countdown" music show.

UK Slough,Slough College
[with The Adverts and The Rage]

UK Shrewsbury,Tiffany's
[with The Adverts and The Rage]

UK Cardiff,Top Rank
[with The Adverts and The Rage]

UK Middlesbrough,Town Hall
[with The Adverts and The Rage]

UK Hull,University of Hull
[with The Adverts and The Rage]

UK Middlesbrough,Town Hall
[with The Adverts and The Rage]

Note: Continuing the tour with The Adverts and The Rage.

AU Release of the "Lipstick On Your Collar (aka One Two Three Four)" EP (EMI).

London 26-Nov-77

UK London-Islington,Hope & Anchor Club
[with The Stranglers, 999, XTX, Tom Robinson Band, Only Ones, X-Ray-Spex,...]
Front Row Festival

Setlist: Do The Robot/ Lost And Found/ Lipstick On Your Collar/ River Deep Mountain High/ Untitled/ Run Down/ This Perfect Day/ Messin' With The Kid/ Orstralia/ Night In Venice/ (I'm) Stranded/ Demolition Girl/ One Way Street.

Ad 1: Original ad from NME 26-Nov-77.

Ad 2: Scan of ad from Hope & Anchor fanzine.

Review: Scan of review from Record Mirror 03-Dec-77.

Note: Month long festival from 22-Nov/22-Dec-77. Above tracks released on "All Times Through Paradise" 4CD box set (EMI, 2004) and "This Perfect Day" bootleg LP (Loch Cardhu, 2005).

London 27-Nov-77

UK London,Marquee Club (@ 90 Wardour street)

Setlist: Lost And Found.

Photo 1: Screen capture.

Photo 2: Scan from booklet with "All Times Through paradise" 4CD box set.

Article: Scan of article from Record Mirror (UK) 03-Dec-77.

Video: Video @ Ed Kuepper's YouTube channel.

Note: The Saints are filmed at the club for an episode of the TV series "Return of the Saint", Episode 1.9 "The Arrangement", which aired on the BBC TV 05-Nov-78.

London 04-Dec-77

UK London,Roundhouse (@ Chalk Farm)
[support for Generation X, with The Lurkers and The Valves]

Poster: Photo of poster.

Ad: Original advert from NME 26-Nov-77.

Review: Scan of review from Record Mirror 10-Dec-77.

UK London,Roundhouse Studios, further recording and mixing for the "Eternally Yours" album. Engineered by Bill Price. Produced by Ed Kuepper and Chris Bailey.

"Eternally Yours" album release. Recording and releasing their third album, "Prehistoric Sounds".

UK London,recruiting brass players for live gigs.

London 27-Jan-78

UK London,Marquee Club (@ 90 Wardour street)

Ad: Scan of ad, taken from Record Mirror 28-Jan-78.

Review: Scan of review, taken from Record Mirror 04-Feb-78.

Note: Performing with brass players, two saxes and a trumpet.

UK Wolverhampton,Polytechnic

UK Blackpool,Jenkinson's Bar

Note: May have been cancelled.

UK Release of the "Know Your Product / Rundown" single (Harvest).

London 05-Feb-78

UK London,Nashville Room

Ad: Scan of ad.

UK/AU Release of the "Eternally Yours" album release (Harvest).

Review: Scan of review, taken from Record Mirror 18-Mar-78.

UK March 78

UK Plymouth,Castaways

UK Port Talbot,Troubadour

UK Northhampton,County Cricket Ground

UK Wakefield,Unity Hall

UK Blackpool,Jenkinson's Bar

UK Birmingham,Barbarella's

Ad: Scan of ad, taken from Record Mirror (UK) 04-Mar-78.

Note: Performing with brass players, two saxes and a trumpet. At Wakefield they performed in front of an audience of around 150.

UK March 78

UK Swansea,Circles

UK Treeforest,Glamorgan Polytechnic of Wales

Ad: Scan of ad from Sounds 18-Mar-78.

Note: Performing with brass players, two saxes and a trumpet.

Bishops Stortford 18-Mar-78

UK Bishops Stortford,Triad Leasure Center
[with The Jolt]

Ad: Original ad from NME 18-Mar-78.

Note: Performing with brass players, two saxes and a trumpet.

Manchester 25-Mar-78

UK Manchester,Rafters
[with The Snyde]

Poster: Scan of poster.

UK London,Marquee Club (@ 90 Wardour Street)

AU Release of the "Know Your Product / Rundown" single (Harvest).

Countdown TV show 1978

AU Melbourne-Ripponlea,ABC TV
"Countdown" TV show

Setlist: Broadcast of "Know Your Product" video clip.

Photo: Screen capture.

Video: Video @ Ed Kuepper's YouTube channel.

London 06-Apr-78

UK London,The Nashville
[with The Front]

Ad: Original ad from NME 08-Apr-78.

Note: Performing with brass players, two saxes and a trumpet.

Liverpool 08-Apr-78

UK Liverpool,Eric's

Calendar: Scan of calendar, sourced from

Note: Performing with brass players, two saxes and a trumpet.

Edinburgh 10-Apr-78

UK Edinburgh,Tiffany's
[with The Torpedoes]

Ad: Scan of ad.

Review: Scan of review, taken from Record Mirror 22-Apr-78.

Note: Performing with brass players, two saxes and a trumpet.

London-Camden 11-Apr-78

UK London-Camden,Dingwalls

Ad: Original ad from NME 08-Apr-78.

Note: Performing with brass players, two saxes and a trumpet.

NL Amsterdam,-

FR Lyon,Salle des fêtes de la Croix Rousse
[with Safety Zone]

Paris 17-Apr-78

FR Paris,Bus Palladium

Article: Scan of article, taken from Annie Aime Les Sucettes #5 (FR) (April 1978). Courtesy of Stephan.

Ad: Scan of advert, taken from Feeling #3, March 1978.

UK London,Wessex Studios,recording/mixing the "Prehistoric Sounds" album. Engineered by Bill Price, with Jeremy Spencer Green. Produced by Ed Kuepper and Chris Bailey. Additional brass players: Roger Cawkwell (sax), Paul Nieman (trombone), Martin Bruce (trumpet) and Martin Dover (trumpet).

US Release of the "Eternally Yours" album (Sire).

Review: Scan of review from Slash (US) magazine Vol 1. Issue #12 - August 1978, courtesy of

UK Release of the "Security/All Times Through Paradise" single (Harvest).

UK Release of the "Prehistoric Sounds" album (Harvest).

Press release: Photo of press release

AU Release of the "Security/All Times Through Paradise" single (Harvest).

London 17-Oct-78

UK London,the original Saints split up. Bailey retains the name The Saints, Kuepper returns to Brisbane before Christmas and forms The Laughing Clowns, Alisdair Ward remains in the UK joining The Damned and Ivor Hay returns to Brisbane on 19-Oct-78 and forms The Hitmen.

Article: Scan of article, taken from NME (UK) 21-Oct-78. Courtesy of Stephan.

AU Release of the "Prehistoric Sounds" album (Harvest).

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